Forms of Added Sugar

Added sugar provides “empty” calories with no nutritional value. Eating too much sugar is linked to weight gain and various diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes, tooth decay and heart disease. It’s important to make the distinction between added sugars and sugars that occur naturally in foods like fruits and vegetables – these are healthy […]

Raw or Cooked Vegetables?

In order to achieve optimal health, vegetables should be a key component of our diets. Federal guidelines recommend that adults have at least 2 to 3 cups of vegetables per day as part of a healthy eating pattern. This has been found to reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure, while boosting the health of blood […]

Organic vs Non-Organic

We all want to provide the best and most nutritious food for our families, along with minimizing the toxins to which we are exposed. This raises the question: Should we buy organic? Organic foods are  generally defined as those foods that are grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers, irradiation, genetic engineering, and man-made pesticides […]