Neck Pain From Sports Injuries

[su_vimeo url=”″] Athletes can sustain injuries such as whiplash or concussion that cause neck pain. Repetitive motion injuries can also cause neck pain due to a lack of proper training. Chiropractors can help athletes alleviate their neck pain through examination, diagnosis and treatment. Is whiplash the most common form of neck injury sustained during an […]

Treating Herniated and Degenerative Disc Injuries Without Surgery

[su_vimeo url=”″][su_vimeo url=”″][/su_vimeo] Chiropractors use a combination of chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression and core strengthening to treat herniated discs and degenerative disc injuries without surgery. Can you explain what a herniated and a degenerative disc is? Dr. Kyle Robertson: Absolutely.  Each segment of your spine is separated by a disc, which gives the spine its […]

Relieve Pain with Acupuncture

In research, acupuncture is known to relieve a whole list of painful conditions like knee pain, low back pain, neck pain, joint pain, pain associated with any kind of dental work, sciatica, rheumatoid arthritis, sprains, tennis elbow, and dysmenorrhea, which is also known as painful periods. Acupuncture works to relieve pain by signaling the body […]

Acupuncture for Pain

[su_vimeo url=”″][su_vimeo url=”″][/su_vimeo] Acupuncture has been helpful in relieving pain and painful conditions naturally. Acupuncture treatments use needles to stimulate the nerves to send messages to the brain asking it to release painkillers and begin healing. How does acupuncture work to relieve pain? Michelina Kraus: Acupuncture works to relieve pain by signaling the body to create an inflammatory response. […]

LightForce™ Laser Therapy Accelerates Healing

LightForce™ Laser Therapy is a non-invasive, safe alternative to drugs and surgery and has proven to help conditions such as tendonitits, fibromyalgia, sciatica, arthritis and more.  This therapy increases cellular activity which helps to decrease pain and inflammation. It allows your body to utilize its own healing powers by inducing a series of healing responses in your body. […]

LightForce™ Laser Therapy

[su_vimeo url=””][su_vimeo url=””][/su_vimeo] LightForce™ Laser Therapy uses a high powered laser to increase cellular activity which decreases pain and inflammation. It is a non-invasive, safe alternative to drugs and surgery and has proven to help conditions such as tendonitits, fibromyalgia, sciatica, arthritis and more. How does LightForce™ Laser Therapy work? Dr. Peter Ferraro: Well, LightForce™ […]

A Unique Approach: The Ferraro Spine Method

What makes the Ferraro Spine Method unique is that we have compiled four different therapies that when used in unison create a much better treatment outcome. For example, a herniated disc injury is really four different injuries happening simultaneously, as one reacts with another, creating a negative reflex loop or cascade of events. At that […]

Avoid Opioids with Non-Surgical Treatment

Most patients leave their surgeon after a procedure with some form of anti-inflammatory or pain medication. Prescription pain medications prescribed by doctors after surgery have contributed to the opioid crisis in America. People should consider non-surgical treatment options that are available to effectively treat painful conditions, including herniated discs without the need for drugs. We know […]

Non-Surgical Treatment Solutions

[su_vimeo url=””][su_vimeo url=””][/su_vimeo] Prescription pain medications prescribed by doctors after surgery have contributed to the opioid crisis in America. People should consider non-surgical treatment options that are available to effectively treat painful conditions, including herniated discs without the need for drugs. To begin, can you share some statistics regarding the current opioid epidemic? Dr. Peter […]

The Fascial Distortion Model™

[su_vimeo url=”″][su_vimeo url=”″][/su_vimeo] The Fascial Distortion Model™ is used to treat soft tissue injuries and musculoskeletal conditions and offers clear objectives and measurable results. How do you explain what Fascial Distortion Model™ is? Well, the Fascial Distortion Model™ – some people would think of it as a technique but it’s actually more of a treatment […]