Injuries in the Overhead Athlete

Overhead Injuries

[su_vimeo url=”″][su_vimeo url=”″][/su_vimeo] Topic: Injuries in the Overhead Athlete An overhead athlete is an athlete who participates in any overhead sport or where that upper arm and shoulder arcs over the athlete’s head. Overhead athletes are prone to a variety of injuries based on the position of the shoulder and the arm during the repetitive movements. […]

Utilizing the Core During Sports Rehab

[su_vimeo url=”″] The body moves as a whole and the core muscles help to provide power and strength to the limbs during functional movements. Therefore strengthening the core will help build stability to the trunk and support to the upper and lower extremities during activities like throwing, running, jumping and throughout your sports athletic games. […]

ACL Prevention for Athletes

[su_vimeo url=”″] Research shows that approximately 70% of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries occur with little or no contact with another athlete. ACL injuries can occur when the athlete over extends the knee joint.  The common sports that are linked to high rates of ACL tears include soccer, skiing, football, gymnastics and basketball. Can you […]